Friday, January 8, 2010

Climate change brings new flooding dangers for Bangkok

Reuters AlertNet: Bustling Bangkok faces a danger more threatening than class divisions and political stalemate, its usual worries. It is sinking, scientists say. This isn't a new discovery in a low-lying city where flooding is a way of life. Thunderstorms and high tides bring torrents of water to many of the city's neighbourhoods. For years, hundreds of pumps and a network of canals have been pumping floodwater back into the Chao Phraya River. Dikes and flood walls prevent the water from surging back into the city.

What is new is that soon these measures will no longer be enough. Climate change, expected to bring rising sea level and more intense rain storms around the world, threatens to overwhelm Bangkok's flood defenses, experts say.

"Right now Bangkok is sinking. And with sea level rise, these two factors are affecting flooding in Bangkok and they are not going to be ordinary floods," Bichit Rattakul, executive director of the Bangkok-based Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre, told journalists on Thursday. "It will take time to pump out the water from the city because the canals and the rivers are already filled up with water," he said.

Figures released last year from an ongoing joint study by the World Bank, Asian Development Bank and Japan Bank for International Cooperation on Asian Coastal Cities suggest economic damage in Bangkok could soar as a result of climate change….

A busy intersection in Bangkok, shot by James..g, Wikimedia Commons, under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0


Marie Devine said...

This is not about common sense; it is about control. This Congress does not let details and public opinion stand in their way. They want Socialism-Communism; that is what must be disarmed. There is a better way than Socialism and Capitalism, yet it enriches the people and has all working for the benefit of all without government oppression. God warns against debt, interest, insurance, seeking riches and honors, pride and covetousness. He has true freedom and independence. We can turn to a garden paradise lifestyle instead of the employment lifestyle that caused the world problems.

The only reason the Climate Change idea is still alive is that poor nations think they will get money from rich nations. That is another lying bribe to get nations to sign away their authority and give the UN entity control over their nations. That is an illusion that will disappear with details.

We are making jobs just for the sake of making jobs, seeking riches while destroying ourselves. The only sustainable and reasonable solution is to "retire." We can turn to a garden paradise lifestyle with trees, plants and pets that provide fresh food around us. That solves "climate change" and pollution, disease, energy crisis, war, immigration, financial crises, and social problems at the same time. Any other solution causes other problems, takes away our freedoms and is not even a good delay.

God warned against nations joining for protection and prosperity in Psalms 1 and 2, II Chronicles 16:7-12; and 20:35-37. It is counter-productive and opens a nation up to deceptions, corruption, abuses and delays.

See Taking Back Our Nation at as an example of how to pull out of our corrupted lifestyles.

Marie Devine
God has solutions to world problems we created by ignoring His wisdom.

John Lukens, Ph.D. said...

What nonsense. I’ve lived in Bangkok for many years. Bangkok’s problem is land subsidence caused by over-pumping of groundwater. To quote a climate skeptic, "everything seems to be caused by AGW even if it totally contradicts what is actually happening." We now know from CRU scientists that the climate has been cooling since at least the turn of the millennium, while the Mauna Loa observatory reports that atmospheric CO2 has been increasing. Now there's a contradiction! Yet you remain in denial. Even worse, Obama's EPA remains in denial, labelling CO2 as a pollutant. It’s become increasingly apparent that there's a hidden government agenda. They, and you, are using junk science to promote a socialist agenda. By doing so, they and you are discrediting valid conservation programs.