Friday, January 29, 2010

Project to showcase Philippine best practices on climate change adaptation

Philippine Information Agency: Indigenous best practices of two provinces in the Cordillera region on the adaptation to climate change will be showcased as models of a foreign-funded program on climate change adaptation. The program dubbed, "Strengthening the Philippines' Institutional Capacity to Adapt to Climate Change (SPICACC)," is a joint undertaking of the United Nations, Spain and the Philippines.

One of the expected outputs of the program is to have improved climate change mechanisms and adaptation strategies in the Cordilleras and the whole country as well. The program component is entitled "Enhanced Climate change adaptation Capacity of Communities in Contiguous Fragile Ecosystems in the Cordilleras."

…Project Team Leader for Ifugao and Benguet Bess Lim said they will look into the indigenous practices and local practices for upscaling on climate change adaptation measures and if need be, introduce appropriate practices. She said consultants will go around and conduct vulnerability assessment.

The two provinces were identified primarily due to the existence of indigenous practices, their being disaster risk, commitment of local government unit, availability of state universities and colleges capable of conducting studies, and the presence of organizations to be potentially involved in the project….

Sleeping Beauty, Kalinga. Mountain viewed from Tinglayan, Kalinga, Philippines, shot by Gubernatoria, Wikimedia Commons, under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Australia license.

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