Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A carbon-based voter heads to the polls

Excuse me from my busy blogging schedule. I am heading to the town hall in Cornwall, Connecticut, past a land-trust pond where some geese are muttering and paddling around, past a church, down a few hills. My destination is the town hall. Large numbers of my civic-minded neighbors might be there, although many are early risers and they will express dismay that I still haven't voted.

I will bring a book in preparation for a wait of unknown length. Should I pick one from the stack about the current financial crisis? A novel with absolutely no political dimensions to it? Something to improve my knowledge about the science of climate change? I'll have to choose my reading matter carefully so the book cover isn't viewed as clandestine campaigning. Come to think of it, I probably won't get much reading done.

I'll vote for Obama in the hope that he will end these ghastly years of Republican misrule. I'll vote for Chris Murphy, a new but able representative in a tough fight. I'll vote. You should, too.

Asdefgaheckel took this photo and generously released it into the public domain. Many thanks

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