Friday, October 1, 2010

Korean conference on disaster risk reduction

Monica Chung in Korea Intelligent Technology Times: The 4th Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (AMCDRR) will be held in Songdo, Incheon on Oct. 25 for a three-day run under the main theme of "disaster risk reduction through climate change adaptation."

"Along with ministers for disaster management from 62 nations, more than 800 participants will attend the international conference to discuss the mutual cooperation and common resolution in the Asian region for disasters induced by climate change, such as typhoon and heavy rain,” a top official of National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), said.

…AMCDRR is the only official international ministerial conference for disaster management in the Asian region. It has been sponsored by the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) secretariat since 2005 for disaster risk reduction in the Asian region after the tsunami occurred in South Asia in December 2004.

…The NEMA head [Park Yeon-soo] said, "The main purpose of the 4th AMCDRR is to derive agreement for common response to the disasters induced by climate change in the Asian area for the first time.…As a means of contributing to disaster risk reduction in the Asia-Pacific region, NEMA will provide Korea's excellent up-to-date disaster prevention systems, such as TCDIS, earthquake disaster response system free of charge to each nation," he noted….

Suncheon Bay and reed fields, shot by Byeonggwan, Wikimedia Commons

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