Albay Gov. Joey Salceda told PIA News Service that the summit intends to to provide a venue for critical actors to agree that adaptation is a critical developmental concern that needs to be addressed to pursue and meet country's commitment towards Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 2015.
Salceda furthered that local government units, as front liners in meeting the commitment towards achieving MDGs, must recognize that "development as usual" approach without considering climate variability and extremes, may pose as threat in meeting these development goals. "LGUs across the country must have a concerted effort to fast track achievement of MDGs, especially at the local level, to meet the 2015 target and share experiences in tracking their MDGs' progress," he said.
The governor, acclaimed "Senior Global Champion of Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction" by the United Nations (UN), also stressed that the powerful role of LGUs to trail blaze an aggressive and proactive climate and disaster resilient development plans/programs is enshrined in the Local Government Code of 1991.
The summit, according to Salceda, is designed to demonstrate and translate effective and efficient implementation of science-based analyses for climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction measures and build consensus towards a way forward for climate change adaptation action….
Locator map of Albay by seav, Wikimedia Commons, under the Creative CommonsAttribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license