Friday, August 6, 2010

NOAA announces funding to model effects of sea level rise in northern Gulf of Mexico

NOAA: NOAA has awarded $750,000 for the first year of an anticipated $3 million research investment to develop the information and tools critically needed to plan for sea level rise and other consequences of climate change along more than 300 miles of the northern Gulf of Mexico’s shoreline.

The study team, led by Scott Hagen, Ph.D., of the University of Central Florida, will develop sea level rise computer models to predict the impacts storms and rising water pose to the northern Gulf’s coastline, including shoreline and barrier island erosion. The results of the study will be incorporated into coastal ecosystem planning for restoration efforts and other natural resource management decisions in the region. It may also help oil spill responders better understand oil that may reside in the subsided ecosystems.

“We intend to build upon our individual and collective experiences to develop an integrated modeling approach for assessing the ecological impacts of sea level rise,” said Hagen. “Our modeling effort will be improved by close coordination between NOAA-funded scientists and local coastal resource managers.”

Sea level rise occurs along most of America’s coastline and poses danger to nurseries, feeding grounds and permanent habitat sites for commercially and ecologically important fisheries and wildlife. Coastal wetlands and lowlands, beaches and barrier islands, and ocean islands and atolls are especially at risk to rising seas, as they are vulnerable to being submerged or significantly flooded.

The study area ranges from coastal Mississippi to the Florida Panhandle, encompassing three sites in NOAA’s National Estuarine Research Reserve System. These locations are ideally suited to monitor the long-term impacts from sea level rise because of the relatively pristine nature of their ecosystems and the extensive monitoring and research capacity already in place. A national effort is afoot to establish the area as a network of sentinel sites for climate change impacts on coastal habitats....

Water types in the Gulf of Mexico, annotations by Joseph P. Hillenburg

1 comment:

Michael Meyer said...

Sea Level Rise Opportunities

Future Water Proof Corporation (FWPC) is a venture-capital backed enterprise embracing the challenges of climate change, and in particular rising sea levels, through the implementation of Global Warming Utilization Management.

FWPC sees the future rise in sea levels as an opportunity to maximise business growth, while at the same time improving the lives of everyday city-dwellers.