Saturday, August 2, 2008

US wine industry 'doing nothing' on climate change A leading US climate change researcher says the US wine industry is 'doing nothing' to study the problem. Further research and adaptation is crucial for continued success in wine growing areas, Professor Greg Jones of Southern Oregon University said – but the US is 'in denial'.

'It is absolutely clear that viticultural climates of tomorrow will not be as they are today,' Jones said at the Taste3 conference at Napa's Copia earlier this month. 'The Australian industry has funded numerous projects on weather and climate influences and impacts over the last couple of years, while the US has done virtually nothing,' Jones said….

Photo of wine in a glass by Scmtb49, Wikimedia Commons, under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation license, Version 1.2


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Anonymous said...

Gomen kudasai.