Monday, July 9, 2012

Sudan's climate change adaptation plan; building capacities and preventing risks

Haffiya Elyas in Sudan Vision: ....Due to the importance of climate change, the Supreme Council of Environment and Natural Resources is going to hold a workshop Sunday titled: “The National Climate Change Adaptation Plan: General Framework and Technical Aspects” in the Banking and Finance Academy conference hall.

Studies and reports prepared by all states regarding climate change will be presented at the workshop to discuss the options of adaptation. The participants will also deliberate on and conduct consultation concerning procuring the information required for the preparation of the national plan.

Technical committee coordinators and members from all the states in addition to executive bodies’ employees, research institutions personnel, and civil society activists will take part in the workshop.

Deputy Coordinator of the National Climate Change Adaptation Plan said that the workshop aims at getting people acquainted with the project and discussing the scientific aspects and steps needed for preparing the national plan, in addition to that it aims at contributing to the efforts of capacity building of the members of state committees in the field of assessing the impact of climate change and the options of dealing with it.

The Deputy Coordinator said that the final outcome of the project is to reduce poverty among the most vulnerable groups and to realize economic growth, indicating that the plan targets the sectors which are most affected by climate change. The plan has 7 major focusing pivots all revolving around developmental planning of the country, a plan to be executed by the concerned ministries....

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