Although California routinely blows through its budget for fighting wildfires, this year the state set aside more money than usual. Now, less than three months after Gov. Jerry Brown signed the budget, his administration is tapping into reserves intended as a cushion for unexpected costs like natural disasters.
Some of the costs of fighting state wildfires will be reimbursed by the federal government. But those funds are running low. Wildfires cost the U.S. about $125 billion annually. Earlier this month, state officials requested that Congress set up an emergency reserve, like California's, to help pay for extreme fires.
The state has long been king when it comes to spending on wildfires. By one estimate, $4 billion was spent combating wildfires in California from 2003-12, topping all other states. And the costs for fighting wildfires hasn't abated in 2014, with blazes cropping up across the state's forests, turned tinder dry amid prolonged drought conditions.
Federal forest land has also taken a huge hit, especially in Northern California, where a series of fires has scorched roughly 275,000 acres combi
ned. The Happy Camp Complex alone -- which at 132,733 acres is California's largest -- has cost the federal government $87.3 million to fight, or nearly half of the entire state budget for fighting wildfires...
The Meadow Fire near Yosemite, sometime in September, 2014. Shot by a Park Service employee
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