The draft Eastern Suburbs Neighbourhood Plan, which will guide the future growth of Stones Corner, Buranda and Coorparoo near the new busway, will be debated this afternoon and is expected to be passed along party lines. Local Labor councillor Helen Abrahams said higher density buildings did not fit into the problematic Norman Creek area.
"Everyone knows how notorious Norman Creek is for flooding," she said. "With climate change impacts leading to more severe local storms, the Renewal strategy should be providing more parkland to manage flooding." Cr Abrahams questioned if the extra run-off from the extra rooftops and roadways would add to the storm flow through the area….
[One interesting comment on the story:]
…. I am a Stones Corner resident and my concern is more that the sewerage systems cannot support the current density and has not been able to for many years. Look at the manhole cover outside my home to see piles of toilet paper and look under my house where it comes up through the drainage traps. The council told me some years ago the problem is that the sewerage system is original and old so before the council spends big bucks on prettying up the surface perhaps they could spend some on renewing or update the infrastructure before Stones Corner residents drown in their own effluent.
Aerial view of the Brisbane River, Queensland, Australia, with Norman Creek in the lower left quadrant. Shot by Greg O'Beirne, Wikimedia Commons, under the Creative CommonsAttribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license
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